Heavy Duty High Temp Grease – 400



Heavy Duty High Temp Grease Manufacturers & Suppliers in India

Technical Test Report

Description Snow white translucent soft Odorless, test less.
Solubility Insoluble in water and alcohol. Soluble in chloroform, solvent either And light petroleum.
Melting Range(°C) Between 44 to 56.
U. V. absorption of 1 cm Layer of 0.05% w/v  Soln. In ISO- octane at 290 nm. Extinction, E=0.04 to 0.1 (Limit Max. 0.5)
Acidity or Alkalinity Passes the test as per B. P.
Fixed Oil, Flat & Rosin Complies with the B. P. Test.
Foreign Organic matter No acrid odor on heating
Sulfated Ash 0.05% (Limit max 0.1%)
Consistency at 25°C: Between 175 to 200(Limit 100 to 300)
Yellow coloring matter NIL

[heading size=”3″ heading_class=”heading” heading_style=”style-1″]Additional Tests[/heading]

Specific Gravity at 60°C 0.81 to 0.83
Volatile Matter 0.6 to 0.8%
Organic Acid Passes the test.
Bleeding Number Maximum 28 mm (Limit-max 30 mm).
Carbonisable impurities NIL